
J Neuroimmunol. 2002 Oct;131(1-2):201-7.

Antibody response to myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein and myelin basic protein depend on familial background and are partially associated with human leukocyte antigen alleles in multiplex families and sporadic multiple sclerosis.

by Christoph Gassner

Lutterotti A, Reindl M, Gassner C, Poustka K, Schanda K, Deisenhammer F, Berger T.


We investigated the association of the antibody response to myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) and myelin basic protein (MBP) with human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II alleles in 41 patients with sporadic multiple sclerosis (MS) and 12 multiplex MS families. We found significantly increased antibody response to MOG and MBP in MS patients without any difference to asymptomatic relatives. HLA DRB104 was associated with IgM reactivity to MOG in MS patients, and DRB115 and DRB5 with anti-MOG IgA among asymptomatic relatives. We conclude that antibody responses to MOG and MBP depend on familial background. Moreover, the humoral immune reactivity against MOG is partially under control of certain HLA class II alleles.

PMID: 12458053

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